Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 10 Series: I wanna be like...

(I've decided to take some time everyday to free write. screw studying)

I’ve always been confused with the proverb “be yourself.” To deal with the oversaturation of outside influences in our lives, people have used the phrase as a way to help people be comfortable in all situations. By “being yourself”, it makes it give excuses for not meeting new people if you’re shy and not trying new dishes if you’ve grown accustomed to more familiar ones you’ve grown up with. So to the all the folks out there, maybe a better advice to give would be “be open.”

Lets relate this to something I’m familiar with: style and attire. By now, yours balls have dropped, your tits have grown to a size that distinguishes your attributes from the male counterpart, and you’re readily able to dress yourself every morning. You probably dress in a style that is comfortable to yourself, thus establishing your style. But rewind, and see how that style came to be. Most people, not all, dress a certain way from their influences by someone else. You see a rapper and believe you identify with him so you purchase something similar to what you’ve seen him wear. You pick and pull pieces from different influences to try to establish your own identity. Personally, I wear slim denim (taken from rock figures), skate shoes (skateboarding history), and fitted hat (the people who I’ve looked up to and now trying to emulate their style). It seems like being myself requires me to be like someone else. How can you truly establish your OWN identity? Well, I don’t think you can.

So, what the fuck should we do? Try to be open to what this tiny blue planet has to offer. We, including myself, need to step outside our comfort zone and see what is out there. We STAY STOOPS by accepting the patterns we follow everyday. Patterns make us comfortable. (Why else would be always be told try to something over and over?) For tomorrow, I say change shit up. Instead of brushing your teeth with your right hand, try your left. Take a day off showering in the morning. Try on your roommate’s undergarments. Most people are given 70-100 years to live and some never stray further than 10 miles from their city. Try that shit son. Well maybe not this week since its finals week and you usually study during Week 10…

1 comment:

Just Blaze said...

I'm feeling it Pete...